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Project B is focusing on the fusion of art, technology and science.


By combining moss cultivation, Ai driven research and robotic 3D concrete printing, we research on alloys and admixtures for large scale robotic 3D printing of concrete meanwhile we are also developing a novel modular system that allows to create sustainable eco-art under the aspects of biodisversity, air catalysation and sound absorbtion.


This project aims to open the way to in-depth research into AI-generated objects, 3D modeling from AI and the creation of molds for prototype development, moss cultivation in combination with concrete and 3D robot-assisted concrete printing for large scaled facades and new form-finding processes for urban city planning, as well as collaboration with science and economy as the project progresses.


We are developing new solutions in the form of honeycomb-shaped 3D models, which are then turned into large-format aerated concrete sculptures and facade elements using a robotic 3D concrete printing process. In a specially developed coating process, the object is further processed with an emulsion of moss mycelium and the research also focuses on the development of new composite raw material mixtures for concrete material to deliver sustainable soundabsorbing ecoart.

Project B creates a new interface between AI generated forms, AI based 3D modeling, prototyping and the practical application of concrete and moss coating. By our research we developed a workflow that has an impact on a sustainable future of our living.

In the process of short- and midterm research we have tested various combinations of materials and moss cultures to generate a new way of combining art and science which  in long-terms also affects international collaborations with researchers, scientists and business. 

roject B provides a new approach that is intended to bring bryology (moss research) out of its niche existence. In longer terms, this modular research approach can be used, e.g. to create new noise barriers along the highway or breathable architectural facades, public fountains in urban enviornement or to deliver sculptural landart objects that interact in harmony with our nature and urban planning


By adding iron particles  for corrosion effects to the concrete, the surface not only becomes its unique patina, but it also becomes rougher and by that offers better adhesion for the successful moss cultivation. Besides the artistic approach, our research leads to a modular idea which offers three innovative add-ons: The sculptures simultaneously serve as sustainable sound absorbers, air purifiers and biodiversity multipliers.

We use the hexagonal structure of the honeycomb as one of the most stable structures in nature. Through 3D adaptation, 3D renderings are first created into 3D positive filament prints, of which we create a negative silicone mold that is filled with different types of concrete as startingpoint for the moss cultivation.


As moss needs about 3 months to grow, we work with test runs of 10 different types of moss to develop the ideal coating.

The final coating can be used like a color and in combination with robotic concrete 3D printing, this combination can become sustainable art with a big potential for architectural plannings and in the next step also be developed into a customized concrete with moss embedded mycelium to print with bio-organic cultivated concrete .


Prototyping is essential to test the different aspects of moss growth and its cultivation.

This includes the mid- and longterm testing of different types of material as well as the geotagged orientation of the modular objects (north, east,south, west). Another important aspect is based on the combination of different types of moss, as there are different behaviours in terms of flowering period and the year-round chance of survival.


Moss needs at least 3 months for successful growing. We are collecting various types of moss which can be bred and cultivated by breaking them down into the components of moss, buttermilk and water to be cultivated under controlled conditions.

This test run is extremely time-consuming and requires constant monitoring over the period of one year.


Having a permanent testlaboratory with a controllable hydroculture biosphere is the startingpoint for moss cultivation where humidity, temperature and air are permanently consistent. Also the integration of supporting micro-organisms have to be evaluated in mid- and longterm aspects. Another crucial point is the right choice of material. From porous to dense concrete, from concrete to admixtures such as moss tinctures, earth, corals, grains from stones and various organic substances have to be tested under the same conditions with the cultivation of different types of moss. The aspect of interaction between different types of moss is also incorporated into the research.


The prototyping is first tested in miniature 3D prints which are then transferred into negative silicone molds to test the variations of concrete. Further on the concrete replicas are embedded in the process of research as explained under Pt. 2.



We see big potential of collaboration between art, science and industry that include three different directions:​


  • The integration of sound research in collaboration with Fraunhofer Institute (Berlin) to develop a the optimization of formfinding solutions for sound absorption.

  • The collaboration with the AI research lab and Prof. Michael Holze from Beuth University Berlin to evaluate a new workflow of generating usable 3D models from Ai generated architectural geometry that allows direct controlling of factors like production costs, statically relevant facts in urban planning and architectural preliminary planning, heat absorption and reduction and geotagged previsualization methods.​

  • Business collaboration with the Austrian company Baumit and their so called "Bauminator", an industrial robotic printer developed which allows customized replicable 3D printing of concrete in shippable large scale sizes from a floor-size of more than 2m x 4m. With the preroll of research and extraction of the right ingredients for moss cultivation on and inside concrete, our casestudy can become a sustainable business case for concrete production.​


Further collaborations with independant scientists and institutions like the Austrian Institute of technology for developing longterm collaborations under scientific and business relevant aspects.


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