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Based on his long-standing fondness for sneakers, TOFA's new series "unwearable_404" deals with the experimental use of artificial intelligence paired with caligraffiti and without further ado invents fictitious advertising for shoes in combination with extraterrestrial models that both don't actually exist.

​​The "unwearable_404" series is an artistic approach, using AI as an intermediate step for creating new fashion. Merging digital worlds with calligraphic handlettering, this series creates a fusion of fiction and reality, blurring the lines between wishful thinking and reality.

​​The term “unwearable_404” is based on the one hand on the unwearability of the designed models and on the other hand on the error message “404” because the models are not available anywhere online.​ The complete series consists of 33 illustrations and the associated typo sketches, which in 25x25 frames with a passe-partout create the counterbalance to the printed series and are therefore intended to appeal to sneaker enthusiasts and critical spirits alike.

​​"AI enables us to try out new experimental approaches in art that were previously almost unthinkable. From an artistic point of view, it is only through the combination of analogue and digital levels that a coherent total work of art emerges, because for TOFA the AI machine is powerless on its own, only the person behind it makes it possible to reach the artistically valuable meta-level.

​“When I open my sketchbook and immerse myself in letter worlds and calligraphy, the whole digital tornado - which we voluntarily expose ourselves to every day - just blows away. For me, the process of deceleration forms a bridge to later processing, which temporarily leads back to the computer, but always raises the question of how I can make digital art tangible again and get out of the virtual world. The possibility of constantly changing new forms and visual aesthetics under the overarching theme "XR - cross-media transformation" - what defines contemporary art today and how will it be defined by new methods in the future? - thus aims at sustainability beyond the digital level."

​From this point of view, an interesting approach emerges in his work from the combination of reciprocally influencing analogue-digital transformation processes, in which the real appeal of the work lies for him: to explore the boundaries between completely different media techniques and to be able to combine them experimentally, in order to make his approach understandable and tangible for outsiders.

​The "unwearable_404" series provides a part of Noelle's extensive repertoire of XR art and opens up new perspectives for the viewer. She conveys how an intensive artistic examination of new digital techniques in combination with analogue skills can lead to something really exciting: the invention of fictional sneakers that the world hasn't seen before.

Based on his long-standing fondness for sneakers, TOFA's new series "unwearable_404" deals with the experimental use of artificial intelligence paired with cagraffiti and without further ado invents fictitious advertising for shoes in combination with extraterrestrial models that don't actually exist.​ He sees the "unwearable_404" series as an artistic approach, using AI as an intermediate step for creating new fashion trends. Fusing digital worlds with calligraphic hand lettering, this series creates a fusion of fiction and reality, blurring the lines between wishful thinking and reality.

​​The term “unwearable_404” is based on the one hand on the unwearability of the designed models and on the other hand on the error message “404” because the model drafts are not available anywhere online.

The complete series consists of 33 acrylic glass prints and the associated typo sketches, which in 25x25 frames with a passe-partout create the counterbalance to the printed series and are therefore intended to appeal to sneaker enthusiasts and critical spirits alike.

​​"AI enables us to try out new experimental approaches in art that were previously almost unthinkable. From an artistic point of view, it is only through the combination of analogue and digital levels that a coherent total work of art emerges, because for TOFA the AI machine is powerless on its own, only the person behind it makes it possible to reach the artistically valuable meta-level.

“When I open my sketchbook and immerse myself in letter worlds and calligraphy, the whole digital tornado - which we voluntarily expose ourselves to every day - just blows away. For me, the process of deceleration forms a bridge to later processing, which temporarily leads back to the computer, but always raises the question of how I can make digital art tangible again and get out of the virtual world. The possibility of constantly changing new forms and visual aesthetics under the overarching theme "XR - cross-media transformation" - what defines contemporary art today and how will it be defined by new methods in the future? - thus aims at sustainability beyond the digital level."

From this point of view, an interesting approach emerges in his work from the combination of reciprocally influencing analogue-digital transformation processes, in which the real appeal of the work lies for him: to explore the boundaries between completely different media techniques and to be able to combine them experimentally, in order to make his approach understandable and tangible for outsiders.

​The "unwearable_404" series provides a part of TOFA's extensive repertoire of XR art and opens up new perspectives for the viewer.It conveys how an intensive artistic examination of new digital techniques in combination with analogue skills can lead to something really exciting: the invention of fictional goods that the world hasn't seen before.

Basierend auf seiner langjährigen Vorliebe für Sneakers befasst TOFA sich in seiner neuen Serie “unwearable_404” mit dem experimentellen Umgang von Künstlicher Intelligenz gepaart mit Caligraffiti und erfindet kurzerhand fiktive Werbung für Schuhe in Kombination mit extraterrestrischen Models, die es eigentlich gar nicht gibt.

​Die Serie "unwearable_404" versteht er dabei als einen künstlerischen Ansatz, KI als Zwischenschritt für die Erstellung neue Modetrends zu benutzen. In der Verschmelzung von digitalen Welten mit kalligrafischem Handlettering entsteht mit dieser Serie eine Fusion aus Fiktion und Realität, wodurch er die Grenzen zwischen Wunschdenken und Wirklichkeit verschmelzen lässt.

​Der Terminus “unwearable_404” beruht zum Einen auf der Untragbarkeit der entworfenen Modelle und zum Anderen auf der Fehlermedlung “404”, da die Modell-Entwürfe nirgends online erhältlich sind.
Die komplette Serie besteht aus 33 Illustrationen und den dazugehörigen Typo Sketches, die in 25x25 Rahmung mit Passepartout das Gegengewicht zur digitalen Serie herstellen und damit Sneaker-Enthusiasten und gleichermaßen auch kritische Geister ansprechen sollen.

​"AI ermöglicht es uns, auch in der Kunst neue experimentelle Ansätze auszuprobieren, die vorher nahezu undenkbar waren. Erst durch die Kombination aus analoger und digitaler Ebene wird aus künstlerischer Sicht daraus ein stimmiges Gesamtkunstwerk, denn für TOFA ist die AI-Maschinerie alleingestellt machtlos, erst die Person dahinter ermöglicht das Erreichen der künstlerisch wertvollen Meta-Ebene.

​“Wenn ich mein Sketchbook aufschlage und mich in Buchstabenwelten und Kalligrafie vertiefe, ist der ganze digitale Tornado - dem wir uns täglich freiwillig aussetzen - wie weggeblasen. Der Prozess der Entschleunigung bildet für mich eine Brücke zur späteren Weiterverarbeitung, die temporär zwar wieder zum Rechner führt, aber immer die Frage mit sich bringt, wie ich die digitale Kunst wieder greifbar machen kann und aus der virtuellen Welt herausbekomme. Die Möglichkeit der sich im stetigen Wandel befindenden Neufindung von Formen und visueller Ästhetik unter dem übergeordneten Thema “XR - crossmediale Transformation” - was macht zeitgenössische Kunst heute aus und wie wird sie durch neue Methodik zukünftig definiert? - zielt dadurch auf Nachhaltigkeit abseits der digitalen Ebene.”
Unter diesem Aspekt entsteht in seinen Arbeiten ein interessanter Ansatz aus der Kombination von sich reziprok beeinflussenden analog-digitalen Transformations-Prozessen, in denen für ihn der eigentlich Reiz der Arbeit liegt: die Grenzen zwischen ganz unterschiedlichen medialen Techniken neu auszuloten und experimentell kombinieren zu können, um damit seine Herangehensweise für Aussenstehende nachvollziehbar und erlebbar zu machen.

Die “unwearable_404” Serie liefert einen Teilausschnitt aus Noelles umfangreichen Repertoir an XR Kunst und eröffnet dem Betrachter neue Perspektiven. Sie vermittelt, wie eine intensive künstlerische Auseinandersetzung mit neuen digitalen Techniken in Kombination mit analogen Skillz zu etwas wirklich Spannendem führen kann: der Erfindung fiktionaler Sneakers, die die Welt bis dato noch nicht gesehen hat.


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